Easy rankable keyword research, niche, product research

Blog, Amazon, Clickback niche easy to rank, low competition keyword research

niche keyword

Hello, here we want to offer you Easy rankable keyword research, in other words, low competition keywords, niche research, product research.

Why you should get some easily rankable low competition keywords?

Here are the easy ranking strategy in 2020

  • Do niche research or just go with which you are interested in!
  • Take a domain. Any domain, not necessarily a .com. I took endtime.xyz last year and it ranked with few keywords outranking many .coms.
  • Take a real fast hosting. It’s VERY important. Don’t take ordinary hosting with is less popular, has less positive reviews about their server speed, uptime, free SSL, tight security, backup, etc. You can rank your site without backlinks or off-page optimization. But can not rank without those hosting features.  Please read this Google articleUsing site speed in web search ranking“.
  • For a great hosting which will take all your headaches about the speedy server, almost 100% uptime, security from hackers, data missing, SSL you can check our well-researched post about “Top 5 hosting with site security, fast speed, uptime and free SSL“.
  • On this stage here comes the keywords research part. Anyhow you should get some low competition easy to rank keywords. Create and optimize informative content(text, image) according to the keywords. Publish and submit your content to Google search console, Bing, etc. and booom.
  • If you can rank with some low competition keywords then your site authority will raise and you can compete with high competition keywords with the big fishes.

So, we are offering you low competitive long-tail keyword research. Let us do the hard and most important part of SEO for you. Check the status of this site with some keyword

serp of ample online media

So, here is our packages but it’s super customizable, just contact us

Blog Content Basic
Take It
  • 1 keyword
  • for website blogs
  • Ranking: Easy
  • Minimum searches 500-3k
  • CPC minimum $0.5+
  • LSI Keywords
  • Competitors analysis report
Amazon/CB/eBay Product
Take It
  • 1 product keyword
  • Amazon/CB listing/Niche sites
  • Ranking: Easy
  • Minimum Searches 1000
  • Product price minimum $50-$500
  • Long tail Keywords
  • Competitors analysis report

You can target the focus keyword or any LSI/supportive long-tail keywords provided in the report.

Sample report

keyword research sample report

Keyword research needs time, research a lot of data, brain, and experience and we use all of them.

If you need keyword research, keyword optimization, on-page optimization, SEO audit all together jump here